[問題] 如何打電話給UPS更改地址

看板IntlShopping (國際購物)作者 (好市多代買)時間13年前 (2011/11/25 23:38), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/6 (看更多)
BODYSHOP回信說... Unfortunately, we do not have a function that allows us to cancel or change orders after the customer submits that order. This includes address corrections, adding/deleting items, changing shipping preferences, combining orders, adjusting prices, or canceling orders. Once submitted, the order is placed for processing in the warehouse. If you do not wish to keep the order, we have a few options available: You can attempt to have your address changed with UPS if you want to cancel an order due to the incorrect shipping information. We can assist you with this if needed. You can refuse delivery upon its arrival or if the order arrives and you are not home, you can return the unopened package to UPS stating that you refuse delivery. 我快爆發了..客服專線一直打不進去 X!一直叫我等等等 請問,如果我要打電話給UPS更改地址,我需要提供哪些資料呢? 現在訂單還在Order Processing... 好想哭呀 T_T -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/25 23:53, , 1F
11/25 23:53, 1F
剛剛電話終於通了!! bodyshop在線上幫我更改了 後面說會再寄一封信給我 是有關UPS寄的資料說什麼wrong address,叫我不要擔心 雖然放下了一些石頭,但還是好擔心呀 ※ 編輯: foolishme 來自: (11/25 23:56)

11/26 13:42, , 2F
也可以上UPS註冊帳號 等東西寄出後 要求他們hold住
11/26 13:42, 2F

11/26 13:42, , 3F
11/26 13:42, 3F
但,我人不在美國呀..Orz 打電話請他們HOLD住後,可以改地址重寄嗎? ※ 編輯: foolishme 來自: (11/26 13:46)

11/27 03:53, , 4F
11/27 03:53, 4F
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