Re: [問題] 如何打電話給UPS更改地址
※ 引述《foolishme (好市多代買)》之銘言:
: BODYSHOP回信說...
: Unfortunately, we do not have a function that allows us to cancel or change
: orders after the customer submits that order.
: This includes address corrections, adding/deleting items, changing shipping preferences, combining
: orders, adjusting prices, or canceling orders.
: Once submitted, the order is placed for processing in the warehouse.
: If you do not wish to keep the order, we have a few options available:
: You can attempt to have your address changed with UPS if you want to cancel an order due to the incorrect shipping
: information.
: We can assist you with this if needed. You can refuse delivery
: upon its arrival or if the order arrives and you are not home, you can return
: the unopened package to UPS stating that you refuse delivery.
: 我快爆發了..客服專線一直打不進去 X!一直叫我等等等
: 請問,如果我要打電話給UPS更改地址,我需要提供哪些資料呢?
: 現在訂單還在Order Processing...
: 好想哭呀 T_T
來回文一下, 基本上送到前改地址對美國人來說都是可以的,
像某人... wolfS 在 BBW 出貨都快送到前, 打去 BBW 請他改送別的地址都可以
不用擔心也不用自己來, 只要會打電話就好...
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