Re: [問題] Amazon可以用台灣的信用卡嗎?

看板IntlShopping (國際購物)作者 (Addis Ababa)時間14年前 (2011/03/22 12:18), 編輯推噓0(005)
留言5則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
以下是摘自Amazon網站的內容 : 他們不會在信中詢問客戶的信用卡資料 Identifying Amazon E-mail From time to time, you might receive e-mails that look like they come from, but they are, in fact, falsified. Often these e-mails direct you to a Web site that looks similar to the Web site, where you might be asked to provide account information such as your e-mail address and password combination. Unfortunately, these false Web sites can steal your sensitive information; later, this information may be used to commit fraud. Some phishing messages contain potential viruses or malware that can detect passwords or sensitive data. We recommend that you install an anti-virus program and keep it updated at all times. Below are some key points to look for in order to identify these e-mails: 1. Know what won't ask for will never ask you for the following information in an e-mail communication: Your social security number or tax identification number Your credit card number, PIN number, or credit card security code (including "updates" to any of the above) Your mother's maiden name Your password ※ 引述《shdai (shdai)》之銘言: : 在amazon訂了一個東西 : 剛收到一封他們的email : 大意是說目前無法處理該訂單 : 如要避免訂單被取消 : 請傳真付款信用卡的帳單至某某號碼 : 帳單上要有名字,地址,發卡機構電話等 : 還有 : " Please also note that you will be unable to access your account : as it has been placed on hold pending receipt of your fax." : 剛剛試著登入amazon : 帳戶還真的登不進去... : 請問這是帳號被駭的詐騙信嗎 還是Amazon真的有這樣的機制? : 信件開頭"Greetings from" : 整個看起來就是詐騙信的fu..... : 我想連絡Amazon的客服 : 但找了半天在網頁上找不到客服的連結 : 有人可以指點一下嗎....謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/22 12:24, , 1F
03/22 12:24, 1F

03/22 12:25, , 2F
03/22 12:25, 2F

03/22 12:25, , 3F
我的帳單地址是中文 就算傳過去他們也沒辦法verify吧
03/22 12:25, 3F

03/22 12:26, , 4F
不過我在結帳時留的是中文帳單地址的英譯 是這樣才
03/22 12:26, 4F

03/22 12:26, , 5F
03/22 12:26, 5F
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