Re: [問題] 關於想對ASOS提告,想請求版上幫助

看板IntlShopping (國際購物)作者 (海琴魔)時間9年前 (2015/12/01 01:08), 編輯推噓9(908)
留言17則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《a92040906 (絕對是OK的)》之銘言: : 內容大概是: : 因為您的帳號發現了許多的問題,有太多的退款命令 : 所以ASOS這邊不再支援對你的服務,關於索賠請自行聯繫銀行 : 請銀行對他們提出索賠要求. : 並將關閉您的email連結, : 您的回應將會自動無效化. : ........ : ........ 沒想到有人碰到跟我一樣的情況 我這邊提供一點經驗給大家 我的情況跟原po差不多,發生在約一年前(2014/2月) 我是因為自己買太多,退的也相對多(我不是代購只是自己買...) 後來仔細對帳後發現常常有少退錢的情況 一次二次之後,第三次就被鎖帳號了 當初回我的信內容是這樣的 ====== Hello Chien Hua, We've noticed that you've had various problems across your ASOS account. It's very rare for orders to go missing and we can see this has now happened on several occasions. ASOS have therefore made the decision to not accept any further orders from you. In the event further orders are placed, they'll automatically be cancelled without notification. In order to take this further, we strongly recommend contacting your card issuer to dispute any lost funds. Due to the recent problems on your account, we're no longer able to issue further refunds to you. Your card issuer may be in touch with ASOS and we'll be able to provide previous information regarding your accounts to support their investigations. Once they're happy this is a genuine claim, they may refund your account. If you have any further questions, please let me know - I'll be happy to help. Best wishes, ====== 後來不管怎麼回他都覺得你是來亂的/詐騙之類的 我就只好去問我的發卡公司 他們給我一份文件,填好後會去跟asos做申訴 該文件名稱是 "台北富邦銀行 持卡人爭議交易聲明書 C/H’S AFFIDAVIT OF DISPUTE TRANSACTION" (我是用台北富邦的) 中間很多過程就不說了..因為就是跟銀行之間很麻煩的文件來往 而你在對帳的過程中,你的帳號完全無法登入所以會查不到任何資料 還好我所有的購買都有做excel表單起來做記錄 才比較能對準帳 等到退錢,大概是該年的七八月的事情了...一搞搞了半年 後來我有再重辦了一個帳號 但在ASOS買東西也只買了一次,之後就完全不爽不想買了 以上經驗提供大家參考 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

12/01 01:15, , 1F
12/01 01:15, 1F

12/01 01:15, , 2F
12/01 01:15, 2F

12/01 01:15, , 3F
或趁機扣錢,想請問大大過程asos會拒絕嗎 還是直接
12/01 01:15, 3F

12/01 01:15, , 4F
12/01 01:15, 4F

12/01 01:23, , 5F
12/01 01:23, 5F

12/01 01:24, , 6F
12/01 01:24, 6F

12/01 18:15, , 7F
我想問一下 asos鎖你的帳號原因是?退貨退太多?
12/01 18:15, 7F

12/01 18:17, , 8F
退貨退太多會被asos 鎖帳號嗎?
12/01 18:17, 8F

12/01 22:23, , 9F
12/01 22:23, 9F

12/01 22:23, , 10F
12/01 22:23, 10F

12/01 22:55, , 11F
12/01 22:55, 11F

12/01 23:21, , 12F
12/01 23:21, 12F

12/04 18:49, , 13F
12/04 18:49, 13F

12/05 21:23, , 14F
12/05 21:23, 14F

12/06 13:00, , 15F
+1 在便宜都不想買,爛!!
12/06 13:00, 15F

12/27 23:31, , 16F
12/27 23:31, 16F

12/27 23:31, , 17F
12/27 23:31, 17F
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文章代碼(AID): #1MN8A5f1 (IntlShopping)